Newsletter August 2024

Read on for CEI's latest insights, news and events: a world-first implementation research compendium, better guidance for youth participation, a new CEI Director, and more.

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New UK Director

CEI is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Anna Riggall as Director based in our London office. Anna is a senior leader with extensive global experience in research and consultancy, focused on social development, education and poverty alleviation.

And, as previously announced: Dr Jean Liu joined CEI in July as a new Director in Singapore.

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Enabling better child outcomes through implementation research

CEI worked with UNICEF and Norway’s Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research to create a world-first case compendium that highlights the role better implementation can play in delivering better outcomes for children.

Bringing together studies from Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and Europe, the compendium illustrates how implementation research adds value and has led to change on the ground.

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Distilling success factors of a relationship-based out-of-home-care program

CEI has delivered an independent assessment of the Professional Individualised Care program in New South Wales, Australia. This specialised out-of-home care model places children and young people who have complex trauma histories and high behavioural needs in the homes of professional therapeutic carers.

Key differentiating success factors we identified include the importance of ensuring the “right” match, a child-driven model of care, a wider network of support available for the child or young person, and a mission-driven organisational culture.

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Offering better guidance for youth participation in research and evaluation

Researchers seeking to engage young people in research will now have stronger guidance available, thanks to a set of evidence-based recommendations on youth participation developed by CEI for Youth Futures Foundation, the UK's What Works Centre focused on employability for marginalised young people.

The report Youth participatory research: A review of reviews and practice guidance brings together, for the first time, learnings from 18 systematic reviews and 15 practice guidance documents and toolkits, with a focus on promoting the voices of marginalised young people.

READ more  (2 mins)

Announcing CHILD Conference 2025: Translating evidence for impact in early childhood

The Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (CHILD) at the National University of Singapore is hosting its second international conference in February. CEI is a founding partner in CHILD.

The event provides a global platform for early childhood researchers, practitioners and policymakers to actively exchange ideas and experiences across local, regional and international early childhood communities.

Abstract submissions close 23 September.

MORE about abstracts  (3 mins)

READ insights from the inaugural CHILD conference in 2022  (5 mins)


Upcoming events

27 August: CHILD webinar – Professors Peter Margolis & Robert Kahn
Involving patients and building partnerships in co-production and delivery of healthcare

Mobilising collective expertise, experience and data has led to reduced mortality, increased remission rates in chronic conditions, and improved community health. Highlighting the power of engaged communities, Professor Margolis will discuss paediatric healthcare models that integrate patient, family and clinician collaboration, to harness collective intelligence and drive system-wide enhancements. Professor Kahn will join for a Q&A.

10-13 Sept: Global Evidence Summit 

This leading quadrennial conference focuses on how best to produce, summarise and disseminate evidence to inform policy and practice that improves people’s lives. CEI is a Program Partner.

24 Sept: EIS Virtual webinar – Dr Suneeta Krishnan, Gates Foundation
From evidence to strategy: Using what we learn to influence what we do

A significant shift is occurring in the appetite for and use of good evidence by policymakers, donors and foundations. But what we learn is still slow to influence what we do and how we implement. In this webinar, we’ll hear from Dr Suneeta Krishnan, Deputy Director, India Office, at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – a leader in evidence-informed giving – about her role in bringing evidence to the heart of strategy development. 


CEI publications and knowledge sharing

  • Evidence review: Place-based approaches to youth violence
    Youth Endowment Fund, the UK What Works Centre focused on preventing children becoming involved in violence, funded researchers from CEI, Monash University and the University of Cambridge Violence Research Centre to conduct a large-scale review of existing evidence.
  • Evaluation of a therapeutic program for young asylum seekers
    Foundations, the UK What Works Centre for Children and Families, commissioned CEI and partners to undertake a two-year evaluation of My View, a specialist mental health program for 12- to 17-year-old unaccompanied asylum seekers in England.
  • CHILD Evidence Insight: The role of fathers in early child development
    The University of Singapore's Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (CHILD) has developed a plain language summary discussing the benefits associated with fathers’ involvement during pregnancy, birth and the early postpartum period, as well as barriers that may prevent optimal involvement. Available in English, Chinese and Spanish.
  • Regional Early Childhood Development Landscape Study
    This comprehensive mapping of parenting and early childhood programs and interventions across Asia (focusing on China, Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore) was developed with a consortium of donors convened by Asia Philanthropy Circle. This evidence is now influencing policy in Asia
    with legislation introduced in the Philippines, for example, drawing on key recommendations.
  • Implementation-minded policy making 
    How can policy work can be more mindful of what is required for effective implementation? Wales Centre for Public Policy commissioned CEI to undertake a synthesis of the latest evidence on how to bridge the policy-implementation gap.

Find out more about our current work HERE