Generating evidence
Evaluation design and delivery
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Trials, test, and pilots
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M&E frameworks and strategy
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CEI is committed to building a high-quality evidence base to inform better policy and practice.
Policymakers and practitioners can only make high quality, evidence-backed decisions if they have a strong base of knowledge and research to draw upon. CEI works with our partners to generate evidence that contributes to the design of better interventions and policies.
CEI generates evidence using rigorous academic methods. We work end-to-end, developing frameworks, methods, and indicators to assess programs, policies, and portfolios. We use a variety of evaluation types and tailor our approach to our partners' needs, from formative to hybrid to economic evaluations. We design and undertake evaluations of novel and established programs, including large-scale experimental trials, to strengthen implementation, support scale-up, and enable understanding of what works.