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The Centre for Evidence and Implementation is a social purpose organisation using the best evidence in practice and policy to improve the lives of children, families and communities facing adversity.
Meet our people
Introducing Dr Cheryl Seah, who joined our team this month as the KidStart Project Manager in Singapore. Cheryl has dedicated her career to supporting young children and families, both as a psychologist and through her work designing, implementing and evaluating intervention initiatives.
Work with us!
We are recruiting for four roles across Singapore and Australia: Chief Operating Officer, Director, Data Analyst and Accountant. If you have the necessary experience, along with a passion for building stronger communities worldwide, we encourage you to apply.
Changing embedded behaviours
Thailand’s roads are the second deadliest in the world—2,700 children die in traffic-related accidents each year. With key partners, we’re working to promote motorcycle helmet use amongst children in Thailand. Here’s how.
What's on the menu?
This new menu of evidence-informed programs and practices will help inform decisions within Victoria’s family and children’s services. The menu forms part of the Victorian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence.
Child protection requires collaboration
We are working with the Office of the Senior Practitioner (OSP), New South Wales Department of Family and Community Services (FACS), to strengthen child protection practices and out-of-home-care for children in NSW.
Upcoming events
Global Evidence and Implementation Summit
22-24 October 2018, Melbourne
Are you working for stronger communities worldwide? Our summit will give you the evidence, synthesis and implementation tools and strategies to succeed. Meet, mingle and learn alongside world leaders in the generation and implementation of evidence in policy and program.