This month we are working against the backdrop of the unfolding global response to COVID-19. Remembering our most vulnerable populations and ensuring they receive appropriate support - both at this time of uncertainty and when the immediate crises have passed, is more important than ever.
CEI welcomes your collaboration, the ideas and innovations that will inevitably come out of this moment of challenge, and the opportunity to contribute to solving our most pressing social problems.
We are committed to the ongoing effort over the coming months and into the years ahead. In what follows, we share details on some key projects and programs we have been involved with over the past few months - work we will continue and build upon during this period.
Rolling out the Common Elements approach in South Australia
Common elements are the building blocks of evidence-informed practice. CEI has been supporting a trial of the common elements approach in Victoria since 2018. Dr Melinda Polimeni, Director at CEI, is leading CEI’s common elements work across the country, including new efforts in South Australia. CEI is partnering with the Department of Human Services and agencies who support families with multiple and complex needs to trial a common elements approach. Dr Polimeni notes that this is “An exciting proposition where we will provide implementation support for up to five agencies, including Aboriginal community controlled agencies, in South Australia. The idea is that if we can get it right for Aboriginal families, we will get it right for everyone.”
Two exciting new roles at CEI based in Sydney and/or Melbourne
We are seeking an outstanding candidate for Advisor to support agencies in successfully implementing and evaluating policies, programs and service models. This is a 2-year, full-time contract based in Sydney.
We are also searching for an outstanding candidate for Advisor in Sydney or Melbourne to manage and deliver a portfolio of CEI projects that will relate primarily to effectively implementing evidence in practice.
Building implementation capacity in the children and family services sector nationwide
CEI recently partnered with the Australian Institute of Family Studies to produce an Implementation Guide for child and family services. Building on the success of the Implementation Guide and an accompanying webinar, CEI has further increased implementation capacity in the sector by providing face to face professional development workshops in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth on how to use the guide in practice.
Rapid evidence review for the Macquarie Group Foundation
CEI recently supported the Macquarie Group Foundation to examine the effectiveness of interventions that aim to improve the educational and employment outcomes of emerging adults. To examine these interventions, CEI carried out a rapid evidence review — a way of synthesising research evidence in a timely but rigorous manner. The findings will assist the foundation and others with philanthropic and funding capacity to better understand the current evidence in the fields of education and employment support for young people.
Functional rehabilitation innovations in Singapore
CEI is supporting Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities Ltd (THK), a leading Social Service Agency in Singapore, to enable the development of the Functional Rehabilitation Outcome Management (FROM) System. FROM is an innovative service delivery model that supports functional rehabilitation for individuals with disabilities, with potential to be adopted nationwide.
Producing an evidence and gap map in the UK
CEI is working with the Campbell Collaboration to develop an evidence and gap map for the Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) in the UK. Evidence and gap maps are a key approach to understanding the evidence in a particular area of practice. The map will focus on evidence around interventions to reduce offending amongst 10-14-year old youths.