Newsletter December 2018

A message from our Executive Director

What a great success Melbourne’s Global Evidence and Implementation Summit 2018 was! A huge thank you to everyone who attended the event in October from right across the world, with a special thank you to all our keynote speakers, panel participants and presenters. I hope the opportunity to come together and share insights into all things evidence and implementation has given you all some new ideas and enthusiasm for the work we do.

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GEIS 2018: Key perspectives from our keynote speakers

We were thrilled with the strong line-up of keynote speakers at GEIS 2018. Speaking across the three day summit, the five keynote speakers covered the evidence and implementation spectrum. Topics were as varied as the use of implementation science and co-design evaluation in Indigenous Australian programs, the challenges to the role of evidence in policy-making in a “post-truth” world and the role of evidence in effectively scaling high quality early childhood development programs and policies around the world.

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Productivity Commission: What Works Reviews

One of the key themes of the GEIS was “understanding what works”. A number of sessions focused on how best to inform decision making in policy and practice, across a variety of sectors and social policy areas.

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A landmark moment in the fight for health for all: Release of first-ever WHO guidelines for community health workers

Synthesising and using global evidence in health and education, enhancing programs through knowledge translation, and the power of global partnerships were all key topics at GEIS. CEI has been able to bring all of these together in a recent project for the World Health Organisation.

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CEI’s growing health and education expertise

Many of the presentations at GEIS centred around the health and education sectors. The use of evidence and effective implementation, and CEI’s work, in these sectors is growing quickly. In 2018 two new Senior Advisors joined CEI’s team, bringing with them a depth of health and education experience and expertise - Dr Jessica Hateley-Browne (based in Melbourne) and Belinda Parker (based in Sydney).

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