CHILD Evidence Insight Series: Impact of screen viewing during early years on cognitive development

Asian boy looking at smartphone screen

CHILD (Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development) has produced an Evidence Insight that recommends different ways to use screen time based on a child's age. 

Research has shown that high levels of screen time during early childhood may have adverse impact on a child’s development. This evidence insight explores how high amounts of unsupervised passive screen viewing can impact a child’s cognitive development, language skills and other important outcomes. Recommendations made draw upon evidence from Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) and other similar research studies.

The 'Evidence Insight' series is produced by CHILD (Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development) experts and explores various early childhood development topics through research, evidence and data directly relevant to Singapore. Insights can be used to guide and inform policymakers, practitioners, researchers and the public on pertinent issues faced by children and families. 


Read other insights in the series: 

EI 001 – Maternal mental health and well-being during pregnancy linked to brain development and function in children

EI 003 - Eating behaviours in childhood